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eBay alternative: Start selling on Facebook

Do you have a Facebook account? If you don't, better go get one today. If you do, there's a good news for you, you can now start selling on Facebook already. announced a new Facebook application on August 7, letting Facebook users to buy or sell their stuff on Facebook.

For those who do not know what Facebook is all about, Facebook is a free social networking website that connects your network of friends. By creating your profile on Facebook, you can exchange private or public messages and join groups of friends. However, the viewing of detailed profile data is restricted to users from the same group of friends. Facebook also provides a platform allowing anyone to create applications that interact with Facebook core features, and Garage Sale is the latest application launched by to provide a new era of buying and selling online. Facebook users can now directly post their personal items for sale on their profile page and buy items from friends that you already know and trust. To help users get their hands on, Garage Sale provides two online video tutorials showing you how to buy and sell using Garage Sale, check out the tutorials here.

Garage Sale will gradually become one of the best eBay alternatives, as they only charge 5% commission for every completed sale, considering eBay fees are the biggest challenge to selling on eBay. However, critics say eBay will not be endangered by this new service, simply because sellers on Garage Sale can't access to big base of buyers like eBay do. Only their friends are able to view the listings and buyers are still likely to hop on to eBay to do a quick search on prices.

Nevertheless, has provided us, eBay Sellers, a new eBay alternative. If eBay continues to hike the fees, Garage Sale will be our new home.


  1. also takes only 5% !

    on 2:30 AM

  2. Check it out.

    on 2:30 AM

  3. Unknown said,
    This comment has been removed by the author.

    on 10:22 AM

  4. Unknown said,

    Even easier way to do it is to use "eBay Items" facebook application. Here it is:

    on 4:06 AM