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Promote your eBay listings on

eBay has certainly made it a lot easer for almost anyone to sell an item online, be it a unique antique of some sort or an unopened product that you wish to sell, eBay will allow you to sell your item in the form of an auction. However, setting up the auction on eBay is the easy part, getting people to know about your auction is the tough part of selling on eBay. It's almost a certainty that there will be quite a few other auctions that are selling the same item as you are, so it won't be easy for people to notice yours. However, thanks to sites such as, you are now able to easily promote your auction online in the form of a new "post" or even video on the site. is a site that was just set up recently and is still in beta stages. On the homepage, it describes itself as "a syndicated International Social Publication" that will allow you to "share your upcoming events, online auctions" to "discover your new audience". Basically, this site allows you to "advertise" your project, video, workshop, online auction, etc. In fact, you can make use of this site to promote anything you want for free including your eBay listings. At the time of this writing, the posts on the front page range from a dance camp to an online auction for a car. The possibilities are endless when it comes to what you want to promote on this site. You can even attach a video to your promotion to attract even more attention.

Hhhhmmmm..... Come to think about it there aren't many sites out there that will allow you to easily promote your event or auction for free so that it can gain more publicity. RSVPBUY currently has a very small user base, but as it grows and as more people hear about this site, it'll definitely become the perfect place to attract more visitors. This site is definitely on the rise and there are many other features that are yet to come. Thus, one should definitely watch out for this up and rising site.

*This is a sponsored post*


  1. Unknown said,

    Mike Myers should have used a cool item in his movie that I saw on Ebay. It would have turned him into a slightly drunk, social misfit with psychological ramblings that could not and should not have been missed .(Unlike the Movie..)!! Oh well, if only he had bought this item....!!~~!!

    on 4:41 AM

  2. Unknown said,

    Looks like the site has been taken down and is now a link farm

    on 12:07 AM

  3. Unknown said,

    Cool article. I am looking for ways to market my ebay items!
    Check out my EBAY items!!

    on 11:44 AM